Capability frameworks determine capability gaps, strategic impacts & risks, L&D needs and career pathways for every team member
Roles are benchmarked, data and reporting is created for managers to make informed; hiring, L&D investment and structure decisions
Executives gain capability visibility driving operating model decisions, strategic planning sessions and gain data driven capability insights
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Meet the People Performance Dr

Who can explain it all

What do we do?

Companies talk to us because they are facing one or more of these challenges….

  • Unsure of what or how to determine the right operating model;
  • Unsure how to implement a strategy (new or existing) with confidence, clear roadmap and tangible measures;
  • Current and future capability is unclear, not measured and future proofing the business is super important.

How do we solve challenges?

We create a capability framework which outlines capability needs for the company and at a team and individual level benchmarks capability needs for every position.  This enables;

  • Structured operating model recommendations 
  • Strategy reporting; capability benchmarks. gaps, strategic risks and leverage opportunities
  • Increasing team member engagement and productivity as they gain transparent customisable career pathways. 

So how can I use a capability framework?

The capability frameworks work slightly differently across different groups;

  • Team members gain; career pathways, promotional criterias, recommended L&D 
  • Managers gain; customised capability reporting (against benchmarks), L&D is targeted to team and role needs, hiring is informed to fill gaps and strategic goal risks are identified
  • For executives we can work with them to develop right operating model, forecast strategic goal risks and opportunities and determine how long strategic goals will take.

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What can you expect from your own company capability framework?

Strategic Alignment

We determine the capability needs of your chosen strategy and set your capability framework to structure how that capability needs to work across roles. We then align and benchmark all roles to the capability framework which identifies; operating model options, capability gaps and opportunities, strategic impacts and benchmarking points (where capability is above or below requirements).  

Effective Talent Management

Using your customised capability framework, we can then benchmark capability needs at a role level.  This shapes all learning investments, develops targeted capability build solutions and enables team members to gain real visibility on capability levels, strategic goal impacts (they make) and long term career pathways.  This enables people to own their careers which ensures significant levels of retention and engagement with measurable results.

Performance Improvement

Our capability frameworks and reporting means companies, leaders and team members gain visibility into real capability levels (gaps and opportunities) and are able to leverage and utilise capabilities for real strategic impact and planning.  Team member experience is structured using the framework from interviews to onboarding, development conversations, promotional criterias, recommended learning and career planning.  Significant engagement increases are derived from the ownership each team member gains across their career with their employer.

Employee Engagement and Retention

Using the capability framework, each team member can see their role benchmarking, have learning recommended to them as a result, understand promotional criterias, set their own career pathways, and see their impact on the company strategy.  This drives significant positive growth in engagement, retention, productivity and overall talent development.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

We build reporting options for our customers enabling up to date real time data flows and customised reports.  We compare benchmarks to team members, team members to managers etc.  The data enables real time insights to inform; recuitment decisions, operational risks, strategic opportunities and operating model options.  

Thinking about your operating model? Implementing a new strategy? Worried you don't have the right capability? Both now, and, for the future?

Across my working career I had many companies say “we want to be sure that we have the capability we need to future proof our business”, yet, there was no clear way to understand what capability was needed or what capability the company already had.

Our solution is not just a capability framework but an end to end solution that enables companies to map their capability ongoing.  This means organisations are empowered to target capability growth, leverage capability excess and manage whole organisational strategy across people in a meaningful and measurable way.  Everyone wants to be successful at work, we just show you how. 

Maddy Danzey CEO

Senior leaders challenges were

Managers are frustrated with

Team members want

Why customers trust us

Maddy's working experience was build from some of Australia's most well known brands! And now, her and her team bring all their drive, enthusiasm and ideas to you and yours!

Looking for more? Our other company Manager Pro provides 1:1 leader coaching across 10 weeks! Solve people management issues too!

Visit Manager Pro below!

Thinking about your EBA and award covered team members? We provide 5 year financial models mapping your EBA and Award workforce costs! Reach out to see some examples and how we can help!